Are you doing the "work" but not seeing the results you want?
In this course, I will guide you on what shifting your Identity (Unconscious self that keeps running the show) looks like. It involves facing our fears head-on, clearing trauma based resistance, clearing perceptions, and examining how I am showing up in the world (patterns to break).
Example Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
- Video 1- Intro and reminder that manifesting is making a decision and sticking with it. (8:41)
- Video 2- This video IS on Youtube, Watch this as a reminder to see what an Unconscious Identity Issue looks like, even if you've seen it already, watch it again. (19:03)
- Video 3- Exercises to release trauma and change your unconscious patterns, this is THE most important video in the course, pay close attention and take notes (29:43)
- Video 4- Intergrating all Aspects of Ourselves (8:04)
- Video 5- Closing Remarks (7:29)
- Video 6- Bonus Video- Emotional Wisdom (14:46)
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