What Retraining your Focus is:
This Course will teach you to retrain your focus, to actually see productive results in manifesting. This does NOT mean you have to restart your manifesting Journey. You are simply letting go of the unnecessary focus that burns you out.
The Course Curriculum includes:
Available in
after you enroll
- Video 1- Getting Core Beliefs in Alignment (23:43)
- Video 2- Acceptance of your Current Reality- Accept ALL OF IT, including the unwanted and the ugly (22:21)
- Video 3- Acceptance of your Current Reality- Understanding your reality is ENOUGH as it is (24:31)
- Video 4- THE most important video in the course, Understanding what Expectations are and Releasing them (60:03)
- Video 5-End of Course- Surrendering your Expectations to Detachment (15:49)